7-12.10 2003 | Târgul Tehnic Internaţional Bucureşti - TIB | BUCUREŞTI, ROMÂNIA | Bucharest International Technical Fair, 65-67, Mărăşeşti Bd., 71331,
Bucharest 1, ROMANIA Tel 0040-21-224.23.56; Fax 0040-21 224.04.00 e-mail: tib@romexpo.org; http://www.tib.ro |
14-17.10 2003 | Welding Week 2003 (Săptămâna Sudurii 2003) | ANTWERP, BELGIA | Fairtec sa, Autolei 337, B-2160 Wommelgem, BEGIUM, Tel.:+32(0)3 354 0880; e-mail: weldingweek@fairtec.com; http://www.weldingweek.be |
23-25.10 2003 | IXth Conference on Metallurgical Science and Technology (A 9-a conferinţă "Ştiinţa şi tehnologia materialelor") | MADRID, SPANIA | Viajes Marsans, Avda. Ciudad de Barcelona, 222-28007 Madrid, Tel.: 91406 87 20, Fax: 91 552 79 98 e-mail: congresosmad@marsans.es |
6-07.11 2003 | A 5-a Conferinţă Internaţională de Electroenergetică, PSC 2003 | TIMIŞOARA, ROMÂNIA | Facultatea de Electrotehnică din Timişoara, Catedra de Electroenergetică,
bd. V. Pârvan 2 1900 Timişoara, România Tel./fax: +40-256-403413 e-mail: psc@et.utt.ro; http://www.et.utt.ro |
10-12.05 2004 | International Thermal Spray ITSC 2004 - Conference & Exposition (Pulverizare Termică ITSC 2004 - Conferinţă şi Expoziţie) | DÜSSELDORF, GERMANIA | DVS, Aachen Str. 172, 40223 Düsseldorf, GERMANY, Brigitte Brommer / Simone Mahlstedt, Tel.: +49(0)211/1591-320; Fax: .../1591-300 e-mail: tagungen@dvs-hg.de |
9-12.05 2004 | 12th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELCON 2004 | ZAGREB, CROAţIA | University of Zagreb, Unska 3, 10000 Zagreb, CROATIA Tel. +385-1-6129-938, Fax: +385-1-6129-652 e-mail: melecon@melecon2004.org http://www.melecon2004.org |
27-29.05 2004 | Conferinţa Internaţională de Informatică Tehnică CONTI 2004 | TIMIŞOARA, ROMÂNIA | Tel./fax: +40-256-403211 e-mail: decan@cs.utt.ro; http://www.cs.utt.ro |
13-17.06 2004 | Conferinţa Naţională a Energiei CNE2004 | NEPTUN, ROMANIA | Fax: (021)346.45.46 e-mail: ghbalan@cnr-cme.ro http://www.cnr-cme.ro/FOREN2004 |
30.08-2.09 2004 | 16 WCNDT - Conferinţă internaţională de examinări nedistructive | MONTREAL, CANADA | c/o Events International Meeting Planners Inc., 759 Square Victoria,
Suite 300, Montreal, CANADA H2Y 2J7 Tel.: (514)286-0855; Fax: (514)286-6066 e-mail: info@eventsintl.com http://www.wcndt2004.com |
22-24.09 2004 | Grosse Schweisstechnische Tagung des DVS (Conferinţa pentru tehnica Sudării a DVS) | MAGDEBURG, GERMANIA | Deutscher Verband fuer Schweissen und verwandte Verfahren, Düsseldorf, DEUTSCHLAND, tel.: 49 211/15910 |
29.09-1.10 2004 | 14th International Conference on Power System Protection PSP 2004 | BLED, SLOVENIA | Dr. Gregor Verbic, Fac. of Electrical Eng., Trzaska 25, SI-1000
Ljubljana, SLOVENIA http://www.psp-conference.org |